Vibralux - Chris Haffey Jeans 2014 - Grey

  • Inferno Caps

Vibralux drops their 2014 pants line. V.3 stretch jeans are siganture model of Chris Haffey stretch denim. 98% cotton and 2% spandex material construction for that extremely comfortable feel.


Size table

Length98 Cm102 Cm106 Cm109 Cm116,5 Cm
Waist Width36,5 Cm38,5 Cm42 Cm43,5 Cm46 Cm
Trouser-leg15 Cm16,5 Cm17 Cm18 Cm19 Cm

How do we check the size?


Vibralux Denim was started in 2003 by Dave Temple and Adam Johnson. Dave had just left his position as co-founder of Temple Effectives and was bringing his knowledge of the fashion industry back to inline skating. Adam had just come of the release of his sixth skate video, A Collective Consciousness. The two of them formed the brand with support from Alex Broskow, Chris Farmer, and Chris Haffey. Several years later the family has grown, the products have evolved, and we are ready to bring the production back to the USA.

Vibralux Denim embarks on the newest chapter of its' story by bringing manufacturing to America. With a renewed focused on small batch, hand constructed, innovative garments Vibralux will pair up with American manufacturing to bring products to the market place that we are proud to wear.